
Enhancing Data Security and Compliance with a Comprehensive Data Protection Policy and Procedures

How the Leeway team helped CARE to set up a Data protection policy through Information management consultancy

About the client

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere “CARE”  is a leading relief and development non-governmental organization fighting global poverty.

GDPR Compliant and digital security SOPs

Information management consultancy

Products Developed

The Situation

CARE International in Lebanon (CIL) was confronted with the critical need to enhance its data protection practices

The organization faced several challenges, including:

  • Regulatory Compliance: CIL needed to ensure compliance with a complex array of national and international data protection laws, including GDPR and local Lebanese regulations.
  • Data Security Risks: With sensitive information on program participants and stakeholders, there was an urgent need to protect against data breaches and cyber threats.
  • Lack of Formalized Procedures: Existing data management practices were informal and lacked the necessary structure to ensure robust data protection across the organization.
  • Incident Response: There were no clear protocols for reporting and responding to data security incidents, leading to potential risks in managing data breaches effectively.

The Solution

Through Leeway consultancy, we conducted a thorough analysis and developed a tailored solution for CIL, encompassing the following key components

❝We’ve seen a marked reduction in processing times and a significant boost in communication transparency and security. The mobile app has empowered our stakeholders to stay connected and make informed decisions on the go, adding a new level of flexibility to our services.❞

Charbel Doumit
MEAL Manager - CARE
  • Comprehensive Gap Analysis: Leeway performed an in-depth review of CIL’s existing data management practices, identifying gaps and areas for improvement in compliance with data protection standards.
  • Data Protection Policy Development: A detailed Data Protection Policy and Procedures document was crafted, tailored to CIL’s operational needs and aligned with best practices and legal requirements. This policy covered all aspects of data management, from collection to destruction.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Key stakeholders were involved throughout the development process to ensure the policy addressed all concerns and practical needs. This included conducting Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with relevant focal points at CIL and different CARE offices worldwide.
  • Security Incident Protocols: Clear protocols for reporting and responding to data security incidents were established, providing a structured approach to managing potential breaches.
  • Supporting Documents and Templates: Leeway developed additional documents and templates to support the implementation of the data protection policy, ensuring all staff had the necessary tools to comply with the new procedures.

The Result

The implementation of the comprehensive data protection policy and procedures had a significant positive impact on CARE International in Lebanon

  • Enhanced Data Security: The new policy ensured that all data handling processes adhered to stringent security standards, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Regulatory Compliance: CIL achieved full compliance with both national and international data protection laws, mitigating legal risks and enhancing the organization’s reputation for data security.
  • Streamlined Processes: The formalized procedures improved the efficiency and consistency of data management across the organization, ensuring that all staff followed best practices.
  • Improved Incident Response: The established protocols for data security incidents enabled CIL to respond swiftly and effectively to any potential breaches, minimizing potential damage and maintaining stakeholder trust.
  • Increased Stakeholder Confidence: Program participants and stakeholders were reassured by the robust measures put in place to protect their data, enhancing their trust in CIL’s operations.

In summary, Leeway Software Company’s expertise in developing comprehensive data protection policies enabled CARE International in Lebanon to safeguard sensitive information, comply with regulatory requirements, and enhance overall data management practices.

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    ❝We’ve seen a marked reduction in processing times and a significant boost in communication transparency and security. The mobile app has empowered our stakeholders to stay connected and make informed decisions on the go, adding a new level of flexibility to our services.❞

    Charbel Doumit
    MEAL Manager - CARE